
Friday, September 24, 2010

4 Perks for Working the Nights for First Time Shift Workers

4 Perks for Working the Nights for First Time Shift Workers

In my last post, I talked about Stronger Relationships - which for me is the ultimate perk. But wait there's more. I've gathered 4 Perks for working Nights for First Time Shift Workers. This comes from almost 10 years of hard nosed experience. I hope you'll find it usefull.

1. PRACTICAL MONEY MANAGEMENT - While the rest of the working class is sound asleep we 'Vampires' - (a term coined for us night people not including the grave diggers, shady characters and the medical community, since we walk the night and sleep through the morning.) earn a living and it's a true fact that we earn more thanks to night premiums. However, it's not just that. At night we spend less because most 'money magnets' during the day are closed. I recall that when I used to be a 'normal' person I would be window shopping after work and more often would end up buying on impulse. I am able to save around 20% of my salary because I'd rather go home and sleep than drop by the mall to grab that shiny new toy. I practically and automatically managed my finances better.

2. DISCIPLINE AND SELF CONTROL - One thing that changed me while working nights was the freedom from temptation to party after work. As I mentioned in my previous post, who needs a splitting headache after partying all night and nurse a hang-over in the office the next day. I was able to shy away from my drinking buddies with a valid excuse.."Sorry, I have to work about a rain check?" Yeah it was a bummer because I've lost a couple of buddies, but at least I was able to save around 5-10 years of my life by avoiding the night life. Though some shift workers down alcohol for them to sleep, but let me tell you now, it will only force you to drink more as your tolerance for alcohol increases, you end up drinking more and more just to put you to sleep so STOP IT RIGHT NOW! - All you need is DISCIPLINE and SELF CONTROL

3. FAMILY BONDING - My daughter loves the fact that I work nights, why? It means that daddy will fetch her from school. Sure it feels like waking up at 4:00 am rather than 4:00 in the afternoon, but hey I used to wake up at 4:00 am when I worked the day shift. I have to because the commute would take around 2-3 hours more from my place to my office, and who would choose that over an eventful talk about the kitten who followed her to school or the new word she learned in class or the tickling sessions when school's out. I would..ten times over...heck I'd choose it anytime. My daughter loves it to the point that at times when I had to work days, she would wonder why I was at home that night.

4. TIME FLIES FASTER AT NIGHT - For some strange reason, when I had the chance to compare working nights over the morning shift, time seems to run fast at night. I couldn't explain why but it always seem that way. I get more done when working nights because there's less distraction, less noise and time goes by so fast that you realize its already morning and time to call it a day.

There you have it 4 Perks for Working the Night Shift. I hope you enjoyed it as I enjoyed sharing it with you. Good luck on your new job and I hope you enjoy being a Vampire too. Till next post.

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